SKRA Board Members
Shane Myr | (208) 771-2181 | sam_103 at yahoo.com
Vice President:
Colby McLean | (509) 315-7682 | cncnewman at live.com
Miles Vierck | (509) 368-1849 | vierckkarting at gmail.com
Lauren Wentworth | (206) 372-6857 | rwracing777 at outlook.com
Board Members:
Burt Gasaway | (509) 991-6712 | kartfamily at yahoo.com
Chip Gasaway | (509) 842-0086 | gasbros84 at yahoo.com
Eli Juve | (406) 249-9496 | es_juve at hotmail.com
Riley Wentworth | (206) 327-1800 | rwracing777 at outlook.com
Calvin Sallee | (509) 850-5365 | chaparral2K at gmail.com
Felix Beauchesne | (208) 242-6496 | felixbeauchesne at gmail.com
Robert Wheelock | (208) 661-8833 | r.wheelock at svsar.org
Candace Leach | (510) 224-0862 | chedum at aol.com
Andrew Zimmer | (509) 590-6432 | azimmer73 at gmail.com
Board Member Responsibilities
SKRA Board Members and Officers are expected to fulfill certain duties during their two-year term.
- Each board of Director/ Trustee must host three (3) practices at minimum each season
- Each Board of Director / Trustee must corner work one (1) race per day. That is a minimum of 10 races per season
- All Board of Directors/ Trustees must participate in all track clean ups, in addition to preparing for NWKA Super Cup races.
- Each Board of Director/ Trustee must be race director / assistant race director one (1) race each season at minimum.
- Assistant race director must open, and close facilities on assigned race day
- Each Board of Director/ Trustee must be tech director at any race(s) they are assigned to by the Board.
Board Member Benefits
Each Board of Director/Officer receives the following benefits:
- 1 free membership for the race season that will be reimbursed at the end of the year once duties are fulfilled
- Free SKRA practices for yourself or your driver(s)
- Free pit pass for yourself on practice days only
- Race days: Free pit pass for yourself and 1 race entry only if you are working one of the below jobs:
- Race Director
- Assistant Race Director
- Flag Man
- Tech Director
- Timing and Scoring